[Some basic principles: This argument states most assumptions (God exists), if there are basic understandings that do not have arguments in the text it is the author's intent that they are already proven by another's far more convincing argument (Anselm, Kant, Decartes, et cetera). In the bottom section that tackles an absolute (G)ood and ethical (g)ood the author has used capital 'G' Good to identify the 'absolute Good' and a lower case 'g' good to represent ethical good to help make the text more obvious. Please point out any obvious fallacies and argue with gentlemanly determination the perspective, conclusive, and philosophical differences.]
There is an absolute Good and Bad
God exists
God exists outside of time
If God is God he is all powerful
If God exists outside of time then (inherently) good cannot exist outside of God
If God exists, God exists outside of time, God is all powerful, and good cannot exist outside of God, then either God is good or God created good.
It is bad to allow bad
God allows bad
If God is all powerful, God is good, it is bad to allow bad, and God allows bad, then God cannot be good (contradiction)
If God cannot be good then God created good
If and only if you can choose between good and bad then you have ethics
If ethics are absolute, and nothing conceivable that can exist can exist outside of God, then God created Ethics
If God created ethics and God is all powerful then God exists outside of Ethics
If God exists outside of time, God is all powerful, good cannot exist outside of God, God created good, it is bad to allow bad, and God is outside of ethics, then God is not bad and is not good.
If God created ethics, God exists outside of ethics, and God is not bad nor good, then God does not choose between good and gad.
It is necessary to have a mind to be all powerful.
It is necessary to choose an action if you have a mind.
It is necessary to exist to have good
If it is necessary to exist to have good, then it is bad to not exist
If it is bad to not exist, absolute bad would be to cease all existence
If God exists outside of time, God does not choose between good and bad, God is all powerful, God has acted, and God has not acted in absolute bad, then God acts in absolute good.
Therefore, God is outside of ethics, God wills good, ethics are outside of God's will.
If it is inherently good to reason
And to reason out right from wrong
…and that is what ethics is
And there is an absolute ethics (a non-relative good and bad)
And ethics defines right from wrong
And absolute ethics is good
Then ethics defines itself as good
Which is begging the question and therefore logically impossible if absolute ethics is logically possible.
If ethics is the understanding of the difference between good and bad
and thereby the definition of whether or not a certain thing is good or bad
Then ethics adheres to an absolute good.
If ethics are inherently good and it cannot define itself,
…so that an absolute good must define ethics as good, then it is good to create ethics (and therefore, it seems, to reason)
And God created ethics
If God defines it, and God is all powerful, and nothing existed before God,
then God alone is absolutely Good
and therefore absolute Good has always been and is indefinite other than saying it is God and vice versa, that God is Good. Not ethically good, but absolute Good.